

Variables are areas in RAM where we can store one value. Each variable has a variable name (also known as an identifier). We use the variable name to refer to the value stored in the variable.


A value could be a string, integer, floating point number or Boolean. For example, 'Adam', 5, 11.89 or True.

Easy example

name = 'Smith'
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There is no output but “Smith” is stored in RAM. We say that "Smith" is assigned to the variable name.


variableName = value


Example 1 - A variable to store a number

age = 15
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Assigns 15 to age. The value 15 is stored in RAM.

Example 2 - A variable to store a name

playerName = 'Adam'
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Assigns 'Adam' to playerName. The value 'Adam' is stored in RAM.

Example 3 - A variable to store the current state of a game

gameOver = False
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Assigns False to gameOver. The value False is stored in RAM

Example 4 - A variable to store the result of a calculation

base = 20
height = 15
triangleArea = (1/2) * base * height
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Key points


The = symbol is known as the assignment operator. This is not the same as an equals symbol.


The value on the right of the = gets stored in the variable on the left. So 'Smith' = name will not work. The error that will appear is SyntaxError: can't assign to literal


You cannot use spaces in a variable name. For example, player name = 'Smith' will not work. The error that will appear is SyntaxError: invalid syntax


You can use two words for a variable name joing them together. For example, playerName = 'Smith' This is known as camel case.


Python doesn’t have constants. For constants, simply make a variable and don’t change it!